
Ontem vi o filme "Frida" que retrata a vida de uma artista mexicana (Frida Kahlo). Quando comecei a ver o filme não sabia quem era Frida ou se aquela história era verdadeira. Não conhecia a artista nem nenhuma das suas obras, mas como gostei do filme e das obras desta artista aproveito para fazer aqui este post no blog. Gostei das obras desta artista devido àquilo que ela transmite através delas, pintando algumas de estilo surrealista, mesmo nos diversos auto-retratos que eram frequentes ao longo da sua carreira.

Encontrei um comentário acerca desta artista e gostaria de o deixar aqui porque depois de ver o filme pude saber que a história era verídica e concordo com aquilo que diz o comentário.

Frida Kahlo (1907-1954)
"I am not sick. I am broken. But I am happy as long as I can paint."

"Frida Kahlo was an incredibly amazing woman. Her life was filled with physical as well as emotional pain. She endured more in her short life than most people will ever have to face. But she endured. She put her emotions into her painting, and as it were, she wore her heart on her canvas. Her work is a rare blend of true emotion, heartbreak, love, and life, as well as death. Most of her paintings were self-portraits. She said, "I paint self-portraits because I am the person I know best. I paint my own reality. The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and I paint whatever passes through my head without any other considerations." Her paintings, like Tori Amos's music, are very open and honest. They reflect her emotions, the events in her life, changes in her feelings - whether good or bad. She recorded her life in paint. Her imagery and style were very original, dramatic, and courageous. Her husband, the famous Mexican muralist Diego Rivera, said: "Frida is the only example in the history of art of an artist who tore open her chest and heart to reveal the biological truth of her feelings. The only woman who has expressed in her work an art of the feelings, functions, and creative power of woman."

Deixo então algumas imagens das suas obras.


  1. valeu pelo comentário lá no blog...fragmentos, é uma palavra bem completa as vezes, tenho um outro :
    quase um titulo compartilhado, olha lá!


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