18.16 - We don't know

Não sabemos o futuro, o dia de amanhã.
Podemos apenas pensar que conhecemos o presente
e tentar não esquecer o passado durante o máximo de tempo que for possível, já que serão as memórias de ontem e o dia de hoje que nos vão conduzir a um futuro
ao nosso amanhã
até não haver um amanhã ...
O resto está dito na letra desta música, que por acaso deixo aqui uma alternativa ao videoclip oficial porque acho que a música merecia um videoclip diferente. Não que o referido videoclip não tenha a sua piada, simplesmente acho que não se encaixa nesta música.

We Don't Know
The Strumbellas
Well I know it gets harder every single day
And I know my darkness will never go away
It's hard when you're living and you don't feel much
And you're down and you're hoping that things are gonna change
Oh we don't know the roads that we're heading down
We don't know if we're lost, that we'll find a way
We don't know if we leave, will we make it home
We don't know, there's hope, then we'll be okay
And some say it gets brighter
We just have to wait
Mother mother, I can feel your heart break
Burning through me every single day
It's hard when you're living and you don't feel much
And you're down and you're hurting 'cause you don't feel loved
It's hard when you're living and you don't feel much
And you're down and you're hoping that things are gonna change
Oh we don't know the roads that we're heading down
We don't know if we're lost, that we'll find a way
We don't know if we leave, will we make it home
We don't know, there's hope, then we'll be okay
Oh we don't know the roads that we're heading down
We don't know if we're lost, that we'll find a way
We don't know if we leave, will we make it home
We don't know, there's hope, then we'll be okay
Oh there's something in my mind that's killing me
There's something that this life's not giving me
Would you say
There's something in my mind that's killing me
There's something that this life's not giving me
Would you say
Oh we don't know the roads that we're heading down
We don't know if we're lost, that we'll find a way
We don't know if we leave, will we make it home
We don't know, there's hope, then we'll be okay
Oh we don't know the roads that we're heading down
We don't know if we're lost, that we'll find a way
We don't know if we leave, will we make it home
We don't know, there's hope, then we'll be okay


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